
It's simple over here at dunet83. We don't collect any data, so that means there are no cookies being stored on your browser. The only data we do collect is the name and email you provide when you subscribe or unsubscribe. If you are unsubscribing, your email will be retained for the length of time it takes to process that request, and after that, it is discarded.

Links To Other Sites

​ We do host links to other websites which are not operated by us. If you click on a third-party link, you'll be redirected to that site, at which point, their privacy policy is in effect. Be sure to read their policy to be sure you are comfortable with their operation. We take no responsibility for what is done once you are on those sites

Changes to Privacy Policy

​ This Privacy Policy is effective the moment you become aware of it and will remain effective until any changes may be made to it. We have the right to change our Privacy Policy at any time, and we will occasionally exercise that right, so it will be beneficial for you to check back from time-to-time. Continuing to use the site after any changes may have been made and have taken effect constitutes your acceptance of the changes.

If any changes to this Privacy Policy have been made, we will likely notify you either through the email address you have provided us, if you provided any, or by placing a prominent notice on the site.